Sell Out Your Ad Inventory!

I help newsletter operators fill their ad inventory by reaching out to and closing sponsorship deals every month.

And the best part? I work on a Pay-Per-Ad basis, so you only pay for the ads you get!

Personalized outreach strategies

Your target sponsors are being flooded with generic, obviously templated pitch messages. I write personalized messages that explain why your newsletter is a great fit for their offer.

Lead generation that actually works

With my Pay-Per-Ad offer, you only get billed for the deals we close. No setup fees and no monthly retainers.

Always optimizing for results

By sending personalized messages at scale, you'll get to see what which offers attract the best sponsors. You can then use that to improve your inbound conversion rate as well.

Ready to get started?

I work on a strictly Pay-Per-Ad basis.That means you only pay when I start filling up your ad space.Book a call to get a risk-free trial

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